Flyktinglägret Shatila i Beirut, platsen för en massaker 1982. Här bor både utblottade palestinier och syrier idag. Foto: Bitte Hammargren
The Swedish Institute of International Affairs invites you to a seminar on the political dynamics of Lebanon – and the geopolitical challenges of the region.
The tensions of Lebanese domestic policies are many and intense. Although the country has been able to stabilize in the wake of the civil war, the current balance of power remains fragile. The fact that one fourth of the population of lebanon today are Syrian refugees adds to the situation. The country is also an important regional actor, not least for the conflicts in Israel-Palestine as well as in Syria, while the tension between Iran and Saudi Arabia is also reflected in Lebanon.
Registration and more information here.
In what way is Lebanon linked to the conflicts in the region? How come the Syria civil war has not spilled over to Lebanon? What is the potential role of the UN for Lebanon?
Key speaker:
Sigrid Kaag, United Nations Special Coordinator for Lebanon (UNSCOL), previously Special Coordinator of United Nations Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (UN-OPCW)
Bitte Hammargren, leader of UIs Middle East and North Africa Programme
The seminar is moderated by Mats Karlsson, Director, UI.