Join us at the Museum of the Mediterranean (Medelhavsmuseet) on December 3 for a seminar on the war in Gaza and its wider repercussions. With three distinguished speakers: Hugh Lovatt, ECFR; Dimi Reider, editor in chief of The Lead and co-founder of +972 Magazine; Hebatalla Taha, Centre for Advanced Middle Eastern Studies (CMES) at Lund University. I will moderate this event co-hosted by The Swedish Institute of International Affairs (UI) (Swedish Institute of International Affairs) and Medelhavsmuseet in Stockholm. For more information, see this link.
Tillbaka till alla evenemang
Tidigare evenemang: 13 november
Palestina genom tiderna
Senare evenemang: 27 mars
Varför blir det inte fred i Mellanöstern?