Together with the International Commission on Missing Persons (ICMP), we would like to invite you to a seminar on the issue of people who go missing involuntarily as a result of conflict, human rights abuses, disasters, and irregular migration, among other circumstances. Speakers will include survivors of missing persons and those who work with survivors. The conference will explore ways in which family members can secure their rights to truth, justice and reparations.
The forum will include speakers from Syria, and the Ezidi population in Northern Iraq, as well as a survivor of the 1995 genocide in Srebrenica and a family member who lost a loved one in the 2004 Southeast Asian Tsunami. ICMP Commissioners, including Swedish diplomat Rolf Ekéus, Her Majesty Queen Noor, former Thai Foreign Minister Surin Pitsuwan, and International Criminal Court Judge Monageng will also speak at the event, as will Dr. Jan Ilhan Kizilhan, an Ezidi psychiatrist working with trauma victims in Germany.
Moderator: Bitte Hammargren
For information and registration for the event, see here.